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Starting Music for March 19th, 2022

Aloha world -and happy National Poultry/Chocolate-Caramel/Let's Laugh/Certified Nurses Day! And because it is the 3rd Sat. in Mar., happy Quilting Day, plus Corn Dog Day which has typically been on the 20th, but appears to be moving to the 3rd Sat. of Mar. as well since it was originally made up to go with March Madness. Here in the Hall of Fame city located in NE Ohio (USA), it is Saturday, Mar. 19th –the 78th day of the year. We are starting with partly cloudy skies. Following are the weather stats from 8:45 a.m.

Forecast temps for yesterday were 47 and 72.


FYI –very slight chance of a glancing blow from a CME today: for details.

For those of you without a telescope, binoculars, or clear skies, check out this interactive virtual sky map:


I opt out of all unnecessary cookies, don’t do those ‘what kind of animal are you?’-type surveys, don’t ‘like’ posts my friends/family share if I can’t find/don’t trust the source, and avoid most of the ‘big media’ sites. Nonetheless, I still have to remove ‘big tech’ trackers every morning:

–and this is just my PC; it does not include my mobile devices!


Gotta go with another irony today.

I find it ironic that so many people are worried about the possible bad apples among illegal immigrants while they run around breaking the law on a nearly hourly basis. Blasting around with exhausts loud enough to wake the dead on vehicles that have no business on city streets; burning stuff in their yard against city ordinances and filling their neighbors’ homes with the smell of smoke, making it hard to breathe; speeding up and down roads for no good reason. I feel they are confusing lawlessness with freedom. It makes me long for a more rural existence, even though you find the same problems out there, at least it’s not an hourly/daily thing.

Freedom does not mean you get to do whatever you want. Freedom means you get to worship whom (if any) you want how you want, free of persecution. Freedom means you get to cast votes for your leader, so that whomever the current ruler sires does not decide it. It also means you are free from the whims of those who would put themselves in office for life (although somehow we keep voting some individuals to repeated, near life-long terms). Moreover, freedom means that you are free to the extent of the laws and ordinances where you live, and if you don’t like them, you are free to move elsewhere.

Running around doing whatever the hell you want, whenever the hell you want doesn’t show your freedom, it shows that you are a slave to your passions, lack the willpower to overcome them, and have no respect for the law, even when it is meant for the general welfare of all. Pursuing your passion without respect as it pertains to others leads to confrontation, and gives those who pursue it the right way a bad name. Something I am all too familiar with, but try to work on getting better with every day, because I want to be a better person, a better neighbor, a better American, and a better human being. I also want to be able to ask my neighbors for help when I need it without worrying about if my past actions might give them a reason to pause. And, more importantly, I want to properly honor those who temporarily gave up their personal freedoms to follow orders in the interest of the greater good, so that we might all continue to enjoy the freedom our founding fathers meant for us.


“LAYKA - Glückliche Schmetterling (Original Mix)” by LAYKA (TH) on Cosmo Seed Records. This is a nice chill track to start the weekend. Anyone familiar with the tools included with FL Studios and some of the available add-ons will recognize quite a few of the sounds and settings in this song.

Moving onward..






Everything that I’m watching saw mostly positive results again at the close of yesterday’s markets. (NOTE: “overall” below refers to: since I’ve been tracking daily; mid-January for MTCH and T; mid-February for VMEO).

TKR – temporary replacement for MTCH

The Minds coins cryptocurrency (based on Ethereum) was also up again this morning, approximately +$0.20 to ~$1.54/coin; -$1.33/coin overall

Check out Stockpile for traditional shares because you can order by a dollar amount instead of whole shares and build from there.


Well, that’s a wrap. I’ll be starting the day off with the next song in my Spotify playlist (Randomly Cool Big List No.1), “Closer to the Heart” by Rush. Originally, this was the lead track on the album ‘A Farewell To Kings’. Songwriting credits include Peter Talbot –marking the 1st time they used input from a person not part of the band on an official release.

Lead singer/bassist/keyboardist (he does all 3 at the same time on some songs!) Geddy Lee has said about this song, “I remember when we had to bring it back into the set for the Rio shows, as there was such a demand to hear it and we’d stopped playing it for a while. It's always resonated with people for some reason, and it was a hit as far as we've ever had a hit. It got us on the radio, the kinds of radio that would never normally associate with us, so it was as close as we ever came to a pop song, especially at that point. Over here in the UK it had that effect, and in the US too.”

Remember, Fear is the Mind-Killer, Don’t Panic, Keep Your Head Right with Ball, and May God be gracious to you and bless you and make His face shine upon you.


#Ohio #ProFootballHoF #weather #sun #moon #todayinhistory #TheRestOfTheStory #PaulHarvey #spaceweather #astronomy #SpringTriangle #Arcturus #Spica #Denebola #BinarySystem #SkyMap #SkyOrg #bloatware #Freedom #Lawlessness #RuralLife #American #FoundingFathers #LAYKA #GlucklicheSchmetterling #OriginalMix #CosmoSeedRecords #FLstudios #SoundCloud #ElectronicMusic #Instrumentals #BackgroundMusic #MassachusettsBayColony #Boston #BankOfNewYork #ShoeMachine #JanMatzeliger #LosAngeles #BenedettoVarchi #WilliamBradford #PlymouthColony #MinnaCanth #WyattEarp #LorettaMaryAiken #JackieMomsMabley #MAC #GoBrowns #CLE #TheLand #GoCavs #MFFL #NBA #Buckeyes #NHL #CBJ #DallasStars #GoldenFlashes #GoZips #MeanGreen #SMU #Guardians #TxRangers #TheCrew #FCDallas #stocks #Stockpile #cryptocurrency #MindsCoins #SongMeanings #Spotify #CloserToTheHeart #Rush #AFarewellToKings #Heartland #DFW #Dune #FrankHerbert #TheHitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy #DouglasAdams #TheTicket #schtick #Bible



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