Starting Music for FRIDAY, Feb. 25th, 2022
Aloha world! Here in the Hall of Fame city located in NE Ohio (USA), it is FRIDAY, Feb. 25th –the 56th day of the year. Following are the weather stats from 8:00 a.m. We should be out of the Winter Weather Advisory by the time this is posted.
Sunrise = 07:05 hours; yesterday = 07:06 hours
Sunset = 18:12 hours; yesterday = 18:10 hours
Earlier high = 35; yesterday = 35; actual = 36
Forecast low = 23; yesterday = 23; actual = 23
Winds = W, 5-15 mph; yesterday = NE, 0-9 mph
Barometric Pressure = 29.97; yesterday = 30.42
Humidity = 85%; yesterday = 74%
Precipitation yesterday = 0.36”; previous day = Trace
Snowfall yesterday = Trace; previous day = Trace
Official snow depth yesterday = Trace; previous day = 0.0”
Moon phase = Waning Crescent (32.1%); yesterday = Waning Crescent (43.3%)
Moonrise = 03:23 hours; yesterday = 02:10 hours
Moonset = 12:23 hours; yesterday = 11:32 hours
Tonight, those of you with clear skies and a 4 in. or larger telescope can look for the Owl Nebula (M97) near Ursa Major (the Big Dipper) just after sunset. Look for it just above the Big Dipper’s bowl. As you look North, Ursa Major will appear to be standing on its handle. The two stars that make the bottom of the bowl are Phecda and Merak (the Owl Nebula will be closer to this one). Also, check out for some info about the pale triangle of light folks are noticing in the night sky. Happy slewing!
Trackers removed:
Today = 6,767; yesterday = 7,366; running total = 108,359 (14 days)
Numbers reveal that we engage more when angered or made to fear something. Stop the madness. Opt out of all but necessary cookies. Don't share clickbait that makes you angry or fearful. Check the same story on opposite politically-minded sites, then come to your own conclusion and share that with thoughtfulness. Otherwise, fat wallets, war pigs, and power-hungry sources with their own agendas keep winning. We have the numbers, but we have to quit being intellectually lazy. You can't accept that something is true just because you want it to be true. Dig for the truth and you'll see that ALL entities with power in this world employ mood-altering propaganda. Rise above it.
On this date... (EDIT: forgot some Dallas area historical dates)
1862 – US Bureau of Engraving and Printing formed to print 1st US paper currency
1870 – 1st African-American member of Congress is sworn in (Hiram R. Revels)
1957 – “That’ll Be The Day” recorded by Buddy Holly and the Crickets
1987 - SMU football receives the NCAA “Death Penalty” for rules infractions and remains the only school ever punished so harshly
1989 - Jerry Jones buys the Dallas Cowboys
2016 – Lauren Miller and Seth Rogen are recognized by unite4:humanity for promoting awareness and fundraising for Alzheimer’s research
Today’s birthdays include…
1943 – George Harrison (musician; guitarist for The Beatles)
1949 – Ric “Whoo!” Flair (wrestler)
1963 – Ohio’s own Paul O’Neill (MLB)
1979 – Joanna Pascale (musician; educator)
Moving on to sports –tonight I’ll be rooting the following professional teams..
Dallas Mavericks (35-24) vs. Utah Jazz (36-22)
Columbus Blue Jackets (27-23-1) vs. Carolina Hurricanes (35-11-4)
..and the following collegiate teams..
NCAA Men’s basketball
Akron Zips (18-9) vs. Ohio Bobcats (23-5)
NCAA Women’s basketball
(No teams that I follow closely are scheduled)
Yesterday/last night in professional sports, the Cavs lost to the Pistons and the Stars lost to the Predators in OT, but the Blue Jackets won again (vs. the Panthers)! In collegiate sports, the Buckeyes upset the Illini, the Mean Green beat the Golden Eagles, the Lady Buckeyes took care of the Lady Lions, and the Lady Mean Green vs. the Lady Eagles was cancelled due to inclement weather.
It was a mixed bag for everything that I’m watching and my itty-bitty portfolio at the close of yesterday’s markets. However, the “ups” far outweighed the “downs”. (NOTE: “overall” below refers to: since I’ve been tracking daily; mid-January for MTCH and T; mid-February for VMEO).
MTCH +$8.50/share; -$2.80/share overall
VMEO +$0.70/share; -$0.33/share overall
T (AT&T) -$0.28/share; -$1.98/share overall
The Minds coins cryptocurrency (based on Ethereum) was back up a bit this morning, approximately +$0.15 to ~$1.42/coin; -$1.45/coin overall.
Check out Stockpile for traditional shares because you can order by a dollar amount instead of whole shares and build from there. If you’re confident of a bounce-back from the markets in the coming months, it’s a good time to invest.
Well, that’s a wrap. I’ll be starting the day off with my favorite Michael Stanley song, “Lover” from the Heartland album (1980). It includes what a lot of us older folks here in NE Ohio consider one of the greatest lines ever (and really only relatable to those who have driven on a dark road on a snowy night to be with someone or just trying to get home) -“Thank God for the man who put the white lines on the highway.”
This song features Clarence “The Big Man” Clemons (RIP) on saxophone –known more for his work with Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band
FYI – there is a pre-sale today for Michael Stanley (RIP) -A Celebration with the Members of The Resonators (special guests Jonah Koslen and Michael Weber) on May 28, 2022 at the Goodyear Theater (passcode: GOODYEAR).
Remember, Fear is the Mind-Killer, Don’t Panic, Keep Your Head Right with Ball, and May God be gracious to you and bless you and make His face shine upon you.
#Ohio #ProFootballHoF #twosday #weather #sun #moon #todayinhistory #TheRestOfTheStory #PaulHarvey #spaceweather #astronomy #OwlNebula #M97 #UrsaMajor #BigDipper #Phecda #Merak #bloatware #truth #USpapercurrency #HiramRevels #BuddyHolleyAndTheCrickets #LaurenMiller #SethRogen #Alzheimers #unite4humanity #GeorgeHarrison #TheBeatles #RicFlair #PaulONeill #Reds #Yankees #JerryJones #DallasCowboys #JoannaPascale #Jazz #GoBrowns #CLE #TheLand #GoCavs #MFFL #NBA #Buckeyes #NHL #CBJ #DallasStars #GoldenFlashes #GoZips #MeanGreen #SMU #NCAAdeathPenalty #stocks #Stockpile #cryptocurrency #MindsCoins #Ethereum #MSB #MichaelStanley #Lover #Heartland #ClarenceClemons #BruceSpringsteen #EStreetBand #Dune #FrankHerbert #TheHitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy #DouglasAdams #TheTicket #schtick #Bible