This AIN'T yo daddy's ambient music... it's um... well... you'll just have to listen! (preferably with headphones or good wireless speakers as most of these tracks depend heavily on bass and panning to sound right... and left as it were!)
All apologies if something starts auto-playing. EVERYTHING
is set to NOT autoplay, so it's an issue on the Wix end. You
should be able to scroll down and stop it.
JiMiG2pt0's Featured #TBT Track:
One of those stunning ambient tracks with so much layering and amazing textures that you can't help but sit up and take notice, but chill enough to keep from interrupting your concentration! "Out Looking In (Original Mix)" by Alejo
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving."
-Albert Einstein
Hmmmm... looks like my old site (some of the yellow text links below) went all 'error 404' on me when I wasn't looking -guess I'll have to make an archives page here. For now, see if you can find the bonus track on this page. :)
This.. [for PC: below + to the right] --- [for Mobile: below] = my stuff
It's mostly what I like to call Ambient-2pt0, although you'll also find some straight-up Club/House and Guitar Solos. They're all the creations that I have full license to distribute as I see fit (a. k. a. free under creative commons license).
Click here for my portfolio tracks (contest entries, proof of work, etc...)
Latest Videos:
My music over a game trailer
My drive + "Strange Wings" by Savatage
Check out the "Portfolio Trax" page for "missing" songs; you'll also find the story behind each song there, although clicking on a song below should open up the actual song link on SoundCloud which should also contain the story behind each song) -and again, thanks for checking it out. You rock! \m/
All my fully-licensed tracks in order of creation are below (Latest tracks on top)
You can also check out my LoopLabs creations at LoopLabs:
4300 - Dance of the Fish Speakers 2pt0
4200 - Submariner's Breach
4000 - The Earth Melted The Moon


Featured Tracks
The following track is a LoopLabs exclusive
The following tracks are either SoundCloud exclusives or WiPs (Works in Progress)
3600 - an untitled WiP
3500 -EG Growls, Harmonics & Riffs (for sampling)
You found it! (If it won't play on your mobile device(s), check it out on a PC when you get a chance!)
All my releases in one playlist:
The following track was a contest entry and can be browsed here (for reference/proof of ability only): Portfolio Trax
2200 -Silly Games (Out of Control feat. Britt Daley Re-redubbed -Remastered)
2000 -Assimilate 2pt0 (SoundCloud exclusive)
1900 -Assimilate 1pt0 (SoundCloud exclusive)
1800 Silly Games (Out of Control feat. Britt Daley -Remastered) created as a contest entry with the now defunct ClubCreate and later remastered with FL Studios (Producer Editions 11/12) and can be browsed here (for reference/proof of ability only): Portfolio Trax
The following tracks were contest entries and/or bootleg status and can be browsed here (for reference/proof of ability only): Portfolio Trax
1500 -DeathDancer, StarKiller (Remastered)
1400 -Put The Gun Down by ZZ Ward (JiMiG Remix -Remastered)
1300 -Labrynth A (Jabra Studio Remix -Remastered)
All of these were created with the now defunct ClubCreate and later remastered with FL Studios (Producer Editions 11/12)
The following tracks were contest entries and/or bootleg status and can be browsed here (for reference/proof of ability only): Portfolio Trax
1100 - Magenta Magnetar (Remastered)
1000 - Solar Prominence 1pt0 (Remastered)
0900 -Nimble 1pt0 (Remastered)
0800 -Weightless by Our Lady Peace (Heavyweight Remix -Remastered)
0700 -Love, Pain & Sorrow
All but 0700 were created with the now defunct ClubCreate and later remastered with FL Studios (Producer Editions 11/12)
Tracks 0100 (First Net) & 0200 (Dropped Connection) were horrible, horrible first attempts at Dubstep and thankfully are no longer available anywhere online! You're welcome! >;}