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CaveBalls -a FoE Guild

Welcome to the homepage for CaveBalls (a guild on the Zorskog world in the Forge of Empires game). Although it is meant for the guild, all are welcome to peruse and maybe learn a thing or two. It's a work in progress, so check back often. Much of this is out-dated, but there are a few relevant bits of knowledge, mostly aimed at newbies to the game.

Small but mighty; the "Hawaii" of competitive guilds -no rules, but improper/low activity can get you kicked. (We like our GE championships streaks!) Looking for fighters to improve in BG.

Shout-out to the Jolly Rottens and our occasional guildie Steel Goddess for helping us grow, as well as some former members that still help us out:
Weirdo The Wild

Diogenes 798 the Daring

If you're looking for a guild that will teach you how to dominate, but leave it up to you to become a fighter, a trader, or some combination thereof, then CaveBalls just might be the guild for you! We don't know all the tricks (which is why we also welcome experienced and/or high-ranking members), but we know a lot of them and we like to share what we know. We win GE on a fairly regular basis (multiple winning streaks including several of double-digit proportions!)


Current Guild Features:

Level 40 (1,025 Daily Prestige; 4,440 Support Pool; 22% Recruit/Heal Troops Bonus; 4 FPs Daily via Town Hall; 10% coin/supply Cost Reduction for building construction)


* 02, 05, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 75, and 100 FP Swap Threads
* 1.9 Thread plus access to outside multiple-guild 1.9 threads
* ToR and Obs/Arc Leapfrog threads to help lower-ranked members get BPs (If no one's looking for BPs, they essentially operate as extra 10 FP swap threads)
* Fair and Unfair (for GE/GB) Trade Threads
* Guild forums with tips, tricks, and more
* Contacts for going-rate new GB goods kits
* All 4 levels of GE opened weekly; Active in BG

* Free FPs (Captain's Challenge) for sustained GE activity resulting in Championships

(we have multiple double-digit Championship streaks, including one that was 29 in-a-row!!)


Nothing is mandatory per se, but harmful\low activity may result in being kicked


Forge of Empires:

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